YouTuber 台灣觀測站
頻道創立年份 2022
影片平均觀看 5804
你好,我自诩为一名业务歌手。 平时跑跑网约车,并在车上给愿意聆听的乘客唱上一首歌助助兴。 如果你也喜欢我的视频,请给我支持吧。 希望在YouTube的平台上也能找到志同道合的歌友,哈哈! Hello, I consider myself a business singer. Usually run online taxi, and in the car to listen to the passengers to sing a song to help fun. If you like my video, please support me. Hope to find like-minded song friends on YouTube platform, ha ha! PS:If you want to forward my video, please get my consent. Thank you

歷史數據分析 since 2022 / 07

訂閱人數 NaN

觀看次數 760273

影片數量 131

平均觀看次數 5804